Photo Gallery - Awards%202017

Guest of Honour, Marlene Shiels, OBE
Award Sponsors and Donors
Filene Judges and Co-Trustees
Lord & Lady Glasman ICULD&E Foundation Patron
Justine Lynn Limocon, DE of Year from Asia
Paul Dawson DE of the Year from Australasia
Carla Decker, DE of the Year from the Caribbean
Christina Stoneman, DE of the Year from Europe
Prince Bishops Community Bank Supreme Award winner
Ian Gylee, Single Benefactor Award
Amanda Ivey, CEO of the Year
Bethany Moss, Young Leader of the Year
Christine Bates, Customer Services Officer
Commsave CU Ltd winning Business Growth
Killarney CU winning Financial Incubation
Dragonsavers - Advocacy with politicians
Sheila Murtagh, Salford CU - Use of the Media
Pell Scholars 2015, 2016 and 2017
The Winners
Applauding all the Winners and Speakers